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the spathe and spadix of the Titan Arum by Kandis Elliot.

What is an Aroid?

Aroid is the common name for members of the Araceae family of plants, sometimes known as the Philodendron or Arum family. The occasionally beautiful and often bizarre combination of spathe and spadix called the inflorescence, sometimes referred to as a "flower", is a distinguishing feature of all aroids.

Join us on September 20/21 
for Expo '25

223 Days, 03 Hours, 16 Minutes, 13 Seconds.

General Membership Meeting Presentation - December 4, 2022

On December 24, 2022, the IAS held its first ever online general membership meeting including a presentation by board member Franco Urban giving a tour of his massive terrarium. Members may view a video of the meeting and one of the presentation by clicking here


Membership Fees

Membership fees have dropped to $20 annually for individual members and $25 for institution/library subscriptions.

Aroideana 47(3), December 2025

The latest edition of Aroideana 47(3) is now available to all active members!

Explore this issue and access previous editions by clicking here.

Our entire collection of back issues is now available online, back to the first issue:
 Volume 1, Number 1, May 1978.

Newsletter 46(4), December 2025

The latest IAS Newsletter 46(4) is now available to all active members!

This edition kicks off with a 7-page feature on Expo '24, complete with a link to an immersive walk-through video.

Explore this issue and access previous editions by clicking here.