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  Re: [Aroid-l] storage conditions Amorphophallus juliae
From: "StroWi at t-online.de" <StroWi at t-online.de> on 2016.01.24 at 09:28:33(23534)
Guten Abend Herr David,

thanks for your reply!

I guess you saw the answer from Wilbert and forgive me that I follow his advice.

Since I have quite some spec from that region like gigas, decus-silvae, discophorus etc. I already thought that it will fit to juliae as well.

For other spec like paeoniifolius, taurostigma and others it is more the way you describe it; I store those spec. in paper bags at room temperature, too.

In regard of storing requirements of spec. like gigas etc. you can find some notes from Wilbert at the bottom of this page:


and in the excel-file to be downloaded in post #4 at:


(tranlation button at the bottom of that page...)

Since juliae is not included, I sent my request to the list......

Happy storing,




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