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  Re: [Aroid-l] Aquatic aroids
From: "Christopher Rogers" <crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2009.09.17 at 22:37:19(20038)

If it is a cyanobacteria (bluegreen algae) they can often be killed with a good strong dose of antibiotics. The antibiotics usually leave the fish and plants alone.

You might also try algae eating shrimp. These are freshwater shrimp in the family Atyidae, in the genera Caridina and Neocaridina. These animals have brushes of setae on their claws and use the brushes to scrape algae and periphyton from the substrates. They can be amazingly effective at eating green and some brown algaes, but they will not touch cyanobacteria.

Good luck,




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