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  Cultivar registration - the bad penny is back
From: "derek burch" <dburch23 at bellsouth.net> on 2008.10.10 at 01:30:06(18615)
Greetings everyone,



From: Patricia Frank <tricia_frank at hotmail.com> on 2008.10.10 at 15:48:23(18618)
Hi Derek,
We have been trying to get this done since 1976, so it will be great to have someone who can actually get this going. You have my vote.



From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2008.10.10 at 17:49:46(18620)
Dear Derek:

Certainlyyou should go ahead with this. I am impressed with how much you haveaccomplished. I am impressed with all the cultivar names that you foundand recorded. Where did you get these lists of names? Donna Atwoodand I were working on some lists of cultivars but I think she was trying findout if and where the names were published. It was a real mess becausemost were published in rare and obsolete gardening journals. Are we expected tolist where these names were published or just publish the names that we aregoing to officially register?




From: Michael Pascall <mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2008.10.10 at 20:06:35(18621)
Thanks Derek , I have submitted the first of many . There are a few prolific breeders here in Queensland and the work they have done has gone un-named for decades.

Michael Pascall,

From: tricia_frank@hotmail.com



From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2008.10.10 at 20:39:42(18623)
Dear Derek,


So, is this just a test, until final approval? Also, what if someone registers a plant but this cultivar is unknown to the finder that it is already named...albeit unofficially...since no registration exists currently. Will old cultivar names be grandfathered in somehow?



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