From: brian lee <lbmkjm at> on 2008.10.10 at 20:39:42(18623)
Dear Derek,
So, is this just a test, until final approval? Also, what if someone registers a plant but this cultivar is unknown to the finder that it is already named...albeit unofficially...since no registration exists currently. Will old cultivar names be grandfathered in somehow?
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--- On Thu, 10/9/08, derek burch wrote:
> From: derek burch
> Subject: [Aroid-l] Cultivar registration - the bad penny is back
> To: "'Discussion of aroids'"
> Date: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 3:30 PM
> Greetings everyone,
> We now have a form which Albert put together for on-line
> submission of
> cultivar names for registration. I think that it is pretty
> neat, and we need
> people to give it a try. The program has been I the works
> by IAS for some
> years, with some great work done in the early days: this
> builds on that.
> .Check on the page (copy
> and paste if the
> link is not live).
> We are hoping for approval by the board to continue with
> this. No response
> to date, although it has presumably been accepted in the
> distant past. It
> would be very encouraging to hear from aroid-l people (not
> to mention board
> members) - what is the wish of the society? Go with this,
> or not?
> Derek
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