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Philo's and wet feet
From: "Sheralee & Iain McGregor" shez_iain at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.23 at 15:47:23(8854)
I have seen situations when philos(climbers&self headers)have grown roots
into nearby ponds and aquariums and change from seeking roots into feeding
roots .
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I've grown philos with the pot standing in water with good results.
Finaly I see philos growing semi aquatic in Eliovson's book
on the gardens of Burle-marx.
The question is can some philos grow with the complete root zone underwater?
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From: Riley2362 at aol.com on 2002.05.23 at 19:20:53(8855)
I visited Fairchild Gardens last week and there is, what appears to be a Philodendron in the pool at the entrance of the conservatory at Fairchild Garden. Unfortunately it was unlabeled and no one around knew what the plant was, but it's entire root zone was submerged in the pool and it stood a good 6-8' above water and 3' wide. There were two other aroids in the pool, both to the right and left sides, Cryptosperma species I think, but they were not labeled either. The Fairchild collection was the best I have ever seen it, quite an array of Amorphophallus, their fragrance perfuming the moist air - Ah Yes! A fascinating collection of Urospatha/Cryptocoryne/Cyrtosperma, mostly unlabeled and probably unidentified.
This visit, plus the incomparable collections of Dewey Fisk and Reggie Whitehead has my head spinning and my tongue twisting with new names. Thanks All - Michael
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From: Durightmm at aol.com on 2002.05.23 at 19:26:00(8858)
While other vining aroids are not Philos when Craig Phillips as curator of the National Aquairum when it was in Washington, D.C. grew a variety in and across tanks. I suspect they all adapt well to availability of resources. We sometimes tend to have a mind set about how these plants should be grown. Joe
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From: Eric_L_._Schmidt/LEU/CYS/Orlando at priv.ci.orlando.fl.us on 2002.05.23 at 22:00:10(8860)
Here in the Orlando area there are a lot of lakes. I have seen P. selloum
and x evansii growing along shorelines. During times of high rainfall,
these plants are in standing water for months at a time. Also, some homes
have seawalls that might be 2-5 feet above the water. These Philos have
dropped roots down over the seawalls and into the water.
Eric Schmidt
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Botanic Records
Harry P. Leu Gardens
1920 N. Forest Ave.
Orlando, FL. 32803 USA
ph. # (407)-246-3749
fax # (407)-246-2849
From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.24 at 04:08:22(8864)
Yes, many Philos are real aquatic plants. In subgenus Meconostigma (self
heading philos), many species are exclusively aquatic emergents (P.
uliginosum, P. brasiliense, P. tweedianum, P. dardanianum and a new species
I am describing from Espirito Santo state). However, some hemiepiphytes are
also known to occur occasionally in standing water like P. undulatum, P.
lundii, P. goeldii and P. bipinnatifidum. In the other subgenera, aquatic
species are not proportionally so common, but they do occur. Philodendron
muricatum is quite common in flooded portions of the Amazonas river, as well
as P. brevispathum is common in Mauritia swamps. There is a small species,
P. flumineum, that is the only species of Philodendron known to be a true
rheophyte, i.e., growing in rocks along fast flowing rivers in Central
Brazil. An extreme exemple of the weird habitats used by Philos is the
occurrence of P. martianum and P. crassinervium in rocks, very close to the
sea water. They do not send roots to the water (surely), but usually their
leaves have whitish spots cause by evaporated drops of salty water... Philos
are weird plants!
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Very best wishes,
>From: "Sheralee & Iain McGregor"
>Reply-To: aroid-l@mobot.org
>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>Subject: Philo's and wet feet
>Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 10:47:21 -0500 (CDT)
>I have seen situations when philos(climbers&self headers)have grown roots
>into nearby ponds and aquariums and change from seeking roots into feeding
>roots .
>I've grown philos with the pot standing in water with good results.
>Finaly I see philos growing semi aquatic in Eliovson's book
>on the gardens of Burle-marx.
>The question is can some philos grow with the complete root zone
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.
Eduardo G. Goncalves
Laboratorio de Fitoquimica
Depto. de Botanica - IB
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Caixa Postal 11461 - CEP 05422-970
Sao Paulo - SP - BRAZIL
e-mail: edggon@hotmail.com
Phone: 55 11 3091-7532
FAX : 55 11 3091-7547
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