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Re: Philo's and wet feet
From: Riley2362 at aol.com on 2002.05.23 at 19:20:53(8855)
I visited Fairchild Gardens last week and there is, what appears to be a Philodendron in the pool at the entrance of the conservatory at Fairchild Garden. Unfortunately it was unlabeled and no one around knew what the plant was, but it's entire root zone was submerged in the pool and it stood a good 6-8' above water and 3' wide. There were two other aroids in the pool, both to the right and left sides, Cryptosperma species I think, but they were not labeled either. The Fairchild collection was the best I have ever seen it, quite an array of Amorphophallus, their fragrance perfuming the moist air - Ah Yes! A fascinating collection of Urospatha/Cryptocoryne/Cyrtosperma, mostly unlabeled and probably unidentified.
This visit, plus the incomparable collections of Dewey Fisk and Reggie Whitehead has my head spinning and my tongue twisting with new names. Thanks All - Michael
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