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Re: Philo's and wet feet
From: Eric_L_._Schmidt/LEU/CYS/Orlando at priv.ci.orlando.fl.us on 2002.05.23 at 22:00:10(8860)
Here in the Orlando area there are a lot of lakes. I have seen P. selloum
and x evansii growing along shorelines. During times of high rainfall,
these plants are in standing water for months at a time. Also, some homes
have seawalls that might be 2-5 feet above the water. These Philos have
dropped roots down over the seawalls and into the water.
Eric Schmidt
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Botanic Records
Harry P. Leu Gardens
1920 N. Forest Ave.
Orlando, FL. 32803 USA
ph. # (407)-246-3749
fax # (407)-246-2849
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