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Syngonium glaucopetiolatum Croat, sp.
nov. TYPE: Panama, Chiriqui, E of Boquete along steep forested slopes
on Cerro Azul near Quebrada Jaramillo, 1620-1700 m, Croat 26821 (MO-2272459,
Caudex haud glaucus, scandens, internodiis 2.5 cm diam.; foliorum
petiolus 25-30 cm longus, ad 2/3 longitudinis usque vaginatus; petiolus
juvenalis valde glaucus; lamina trisecta; segmentum medium 15-25 cm
longum, 11-15 cm latum, ellipticum apice acuminatum; segmenta lateralia
16-24 cm longa, 10-12 cm lata, basi valde inaequalatera, valde auriculata,
lateribus exterioribus lateribus, interioribus cuneatis. Inflorescentiae
binatae; pedunculus 15 cm longus, valde glaucus; spathae tubus 6-7
cm longus, 5 cm latus, ovatus-ellipticus, valde glaucus.
Hemiepiphytic creeper. Juvenile plants with stems ca. 5 mm diam.,
the epidermis drying brown, peeling; petioles 9-13 cm long, D-shaped
above the sheath, becoming sharply angular on pre-adult and adult
plants; blades ovate-triangular, narrowly acute at the apex, mucronate,
sagittate at the base, 13 cm long, ca. 5 cm wide at the middle, the
posterior lobes 5-5.5 cm long, the posterior lobes soon pinched off
and directed outward at 45° angle, noticeably auriculate at the
base; intermediate blades with the lateral segments confluent with
the medial lobes. Adult plants with stem to 2.5 cm diam. (fresh),
shrinking to 1.5 cm diam., the epidermis green, shiny, drying yellowish
brown with sharp longitudinal wrinkles; internodes 2-4 cm long; leaves
moderately thin, clustered in the upper 30 cm of the stem; petioles
25-30 cm long, sheathed ca. 2/3 their length, the sheath 4-5.5 cm
wide when flattened, free-ending and bluntly acute at the apex, the
upper part of the petiole subterete with a blunt medial rib; blades
trisect, at least sometimes confluent to almost free; median leaflet
elliptic, 15-25 cm long, 11-15 cm wide, acuminate at the apex, briefly
attenuate at the base; lateral leaflets strongly inequilateral, 16-24
cm long, 10-12 cm wide, the base prominently au-ricled on the outer
margin, cuneate on the inner margin, the midrib bluntly depressed
above, prominently raised beneath, the primary lateral veins and the
principal collective vein weakly sunken above, raised beneath, the
tertiary veins clearly visible (on dried specimens); primary lateral
veins 6-8 pairs, mostly departing midrib at ca. 40° angle; collective
vein ca. 12-18 mm from the margin (midway to the apex).
Inflorescences 2 per axil; not seen in flower. Infructes-cences
pendent; peduncle to 15 cm long; peduncle and spathe tube pruinose;
spathe tube ovoid-ellipsoid, 6-7 cm long, ca. 5 cm diam. (fresh);
spathe blade (dried) brown, subcoriaceous, ca. 10 cm long, acuminate
at the apex, sometimes persisting in its dried condition; mature fruits
not seen. Figs. 43, 47.
DISTRIBUTION: Syngonium glaucopetiolatum is known from
Costa Rica where I have seen it at Monteverde (Guanacaste) and Panama
in what is believed to be lower montane wet forest at elevations of
1300-1800 m.
It is distinguished by its large 3-lobed blades with markedly auriculate
lateral lobes and by its glaucous young petioles, peduncles, and spathe
tubes. The blade shape of S. glaucopetiolatum approaches that
of S. mauroanum but that species
has been found to range no higher than 450 m and is apparently restricted
to premontane moist forest.
The species presumably flowers early in the rainy season, perhaps
in June, because immature fruits have been seen in August and fruits
of mature size have been seen in February.
PANAMA: CHIRIQUI: East of Boquete, Croat 26821 (MO).