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3. Pothos gigantipes
Buchet ex P.C. Boyce, sp. nov.
[P. gigantipes
Buchet apud Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Gén. lIndo-Chine
6: 1085 (1942), nom. invalid. sine descr. Latin.; P.H. HÈ,
Cây-cÀ Miê__ Nam Vi_t-nam [Fl. South Vietnam
in Vietnamese] (1960) 690, pl.267, D & CâaycÀ
Vi_tnam [Ill. Fl. Vietnam in Vietnamese & English], 3(1)
(1993) 421, pl.8254]
Pothos gigantipes inter plures una species subgeneris
typici Indochinensis inflorescentiis pedunculis longis, stipite longo
atque spadice fertili globoso, ovoidea vel cylindrico est; ab omnibus
speciebus ceteris subgeneris typici regionis combinatione inflorescentiis
ceraceis albis et luteis, laminis adultis ellipticis atque surculis
iuvenilibus caulibus compresse rectangularibus, angulis alatis, foliis
insigniter venetis vel glaucis distinguitur. Typus: Chevalier
37045 (P! holo), Vietnam, Thua Thien Hue: Thua Luu F.D.
Moderate to large, rather robust homeophyllous root-climbing liane
to 4 m. Eocaul not observed; stem of juvenile shoot to 3 mm diam.,
strongly compressed-rectangular in cross section, the angles minutely
to rather prominently winged, leaves ± congested, blue- to
grey-green; stem of mature sterile shoot to 6 mm diam., mid- to dark
green, becoming brown with age, slightly to strongly compressed-rectangular
in cross section, at first somewhat densely clothed with leaves, stems
eventually becoming naked, naked portions with prominent nodes, stem
of fertile shoot to 4 mm diam., straight to somewhat zigzagging, compressed-rectangular
in cross section, somewhat prominently angled, the angles winged,
mostly densely clothed with leaves, older portions naked at for approximately
half their length, naked portions with prominent nodes to 60 mm distant;
foraging shoot compressed-rectangular in cross section, to 3 mm diam.,
with a few oblong cataphylls and reduced foliage-leaves at first but
soon becoming naked with slightly prominent nodes to 120 mm distant.
Leaves when fresh grey- to dark green, paler abaxially, air drying
dull greenish brown; petiole 2 70 x 2 20 mm, broadly
winged, obovate-oblong to linear-oblong or elongate-triangular, with
2 3 secondary veins and numerous veinlets per side, all veins
prominent, especially in dried material, base decurrent to clawed,
apex truncate to prominently auriculate; lamina 25 140 x 15
50 mm ovate to elliptic or lanceolate with (1 ) 2
3 intramarginal veins per side, these arising from the base and either
immediately diverging, reaching the leaf tip or merging into distally
into a prominent submarginal collecting vein, additional veins arising
obliquely from the midrib, remaining parallel with numerous veins
arising from them, base broadly rounded to acute, apex ovate to attenuate-mucronate,
acute or attenuate, minutely tubulate. Flowering shoot arising from
the mid- to distal leaf axils of fertile shoots, bearing a minute
prophyll and several 3 30 mm sequentially longer cataphylls.
Inflorescence solitary; peduncle 30 100 x c. 2 mm, rather stout,
erect, curving to bring the inflorescence upright in shoots pendent
under their own weight, pale yellow; spathe 10 35 x 5
10 mm, ovate to reniform, concave, spreading to reflexed, base cordate,
clasping and briefly decurrent on the peduncle, apex fornicate, obtuse
with a prominent mucro, yellowish to greenish white; spadix stipitate;
stipe 5 40 x 1 2 mm, terete in cross section, expanded
distally, erect, straight, greenish yellow-white; fertile portion
10 13 x 10 15 mm, globose-clavate to ovoid, minutely
clasping where inserted on the stipe, mid-yellow. Flowers 1
2 mm diam.; tepals 1 x 0.3 mm, oblong-cymbiform, mid-yellow, apex
fornicate, truncate; stamens 1 4 x c. 0.5 mm, filaments strap-shaped,
thecae globose, c. 0.2 mm diam., pale yellow; ovary 1 1.5 x
0.25 0.75 mm, compressed angular-ellipsoid, yellow-green; stylar
region truncate, yellow; stigma punctiform. Infructescence with few
to numerous berries; fruit obclavate to ovoid or ellipsoid, 10
1705 x 10 20 mm, scarlet. Seeds c. 3 6 mm diam., ellipsoid
to compressed-globose.
Distribution Cambodia(?),Vietnam.
Habitat & Ecology Damp evergreen forest on granite
outcrops in otherwise anthropegenic grassland and agricultural land,
variously degraded forest on sandstone and granite. 95 650
Notes The most spectacular Pothos in Indochina,
forming extensive colonies distinctive by the large grey-green leaves
and long flowering shoots pendent under the weight of numerous large
waxy yellow-and-white slightly fragrant inflorescences. The juvenile
stage is equally striking with compressed, winged, rectangular stems
densely clothed with blue- to grey-green leaves closely appressed
to boulders and tree trunks.
Together with P. grandis
and P. macrocephalus, the
smaller-inflorescenced P. pilulifer
and P. kerrii and some Malesian species
(e.g. Javan P. junghuhnii), P. gigantipes
is typical of this species assemblage defined by inflorescences with
mostly long peduncles, long stipes and globose to ovoid or cylindrical
Pothos gigantipes appears to be rare. Boyce 1195 and Nguyen
Van Dzu 173, collected contemporaneously from different individuals,
were the first gatherings for over fifty years and together brought
the number of known Vietnamese collections of P.
gigantipes to five. A large flowering individual was observed
but not collected in Khanh Hoa, Khan Son district, Vietnam in 1998
(Boyce & Dzu, pers. obs.)
The Cambodian record cited here is based on a sterile collection of
three juvenile adherent shoots that, while closely resembling Vietnamese
collections, is impossible to place with certainty.
Geographically representative selection of collections studied:
CAMBODIA. Locality not given: Collard s.n., (P).
VIETNAM. Khanh Hoa: Khanh Vinh, Khanh nam, 17 March 1997, Boyce 1195
(fl., fr.) (HN, K and K Spirit Coll. no. 63298, M). Quang Nam
Da Nang: Ba Na, near Danang, 015° 59N, 107° 59E,
11 July 1923, Poilane 7062 (fl.) (P). Thua Thien Hue: Thua Luu F.D.,
016° 18N, 108° 00E, 16 May 1918, Chevalier 37045
(fl., fr.) (type of Pothos gigantipes P holo).