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Roy Herold's Arisaema Pages Archive is hosted by the International Aroid Society |
Arisaema triphyllum ssp.stewardsonii (Britton) Hutt.
Editorial comment: Who in their right mind would put A. stewardsonii in the same species as A. triphyllum? Give me a break, it's a radically different plant. It blooms a month later, grows in different conditions, and dammit, it looks much different. This would never happen in China....'Nuff said.
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Arisaema t. stewardsonii growing in a garden in Massachusetts.
A. t. stewardsonii, rear view.
A. t. stewardsonii, group shot. This looks like the strain that has a spathe with purple coloration on the inside surface, plus a dark purple spadix.
A. t. stewardsonii, group shot. This looks like the strain that has an all-green spathe, with no purple coloration.
A. t. stewardsonii, top view.Note the corrugations on the back of the spathe.
A. t. stewardsonii seed head (infructescence, if you must), in late October in Massachusetts.