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ISSN: 0197-4033 (print) 2310-0745 (online) The yearly journal Aroideana is a benefit of IAS membership. To receive this publication, Join the IAS today! Aroideana is usually delivered to the IAS membership in late August or early September.
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Volume 48, Number 1 Preview | Available to all without logging in — Contains Table of Contents but no articles |
Volume 48, Number 1 | March 19, 2025 |
The relevant duties and expectations of authors, reviewers, and editors of the journal are set out in our Publication Ethics & Publication Malpractice Statement.
Aroideana is an illustrated journal devoted to information about the family Araceae and published by the International Aroid Society, Inc. No material may be reproduced by any means without written permission from the editor. Manuscripts, corrected proofs, and all editorial correspondence should be sent to: aroideana.editors@gmail.com. All other correspondence is to be sent to:
International Aroid Society, P.O. Box 43-1853, So. Miami, FL 33143-1853 U.S.A.
Papers must be submitted by the following dates for publication approximately six weeks afterward. Actual publication dates may vary.
All manuscripts should be submitted to the editor in electronic format (either on 3.5 inch floppy disk or as an e-mail attachment) in MS Word 7 (or later) or compatible. Authors should follow recommendations of the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual. Measurements are to be in metric units.
Follow this order: title, author name and address, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, and literature cited. Captions must accompany all tables and figures. Abstracts should summarize the character and scope of the paper in 250 words or less, followed by no more than eight key words. Literature cited must be referenced in the text and listed alphabetically by author.
Figures will be published either one column (six cm) or two columns (12.6 cm) wide. Figures should be numbered consecutively, without additional lettering. Pre-assembled plates plates are discouraged - please consult with the editorial staff if you require multiple figures in a single image.
When submitting material to IAS publications, please realize that the resolution of the photos embedded in Word documents is often not suitable for publishing as individual figures. Though they may look okay in the document, the individual elements can be just thumbnail size or adhered together into a small number of plates. In the past, these articles have been dealt with despite their complexity.
As of now, we can only accept separate high resolution photos in addition to the Word document, in JPEG or TIFF format. Articles with embedded photos will be returned to the authors. Many thanks for your help in this matter and thank you for supporting Aroideana.
Upon receipt, manuscripts are acknowledged and sent for critical review. Accepted manuscripts are sent to authors for revision in consideration of reviewers' comments and returned to the editor for typesetting. Page proofs are sent to the author for proofreading, with any changes other than typographical errors being charged to the author at cost at the editor's discretion.
Descriptions of new species require deposit of type materials in a recognized herbarium.