Jack-in-the-pulpit is the common name, for those of you who don't know a spathe from a spadix. For a look at some flowers different from anything you've ever seen, read on... |
What's New?
- 1/20/00: Just added A. pierreanum from Wilbert Hetterscheid (who else?).
- 1/1/00: The Arisaema Page is officially Y2K compliant.
- 10/10/99: Just added more pictures of A. scortechinii that were taken by Guy Gusman in the wild in Malaysia. They look quite different from Eric Walton's picture from the Sydney Botanic Garden. Same species?
- 10/7/99: Just added A. ehimense, negishii, and yamatense courtesy of Barry Yinger and Andy Wong of Asiatica.
- 10/6/99: Just added A. prazeri, neglectum, and an unidentified species with blue pollen. All are more or less tropical, and are being grown by Wilbert Hetterscheid. They are in the Gallery, but not on Wilbert's page yet. Name changes: A. translucens is now A. sahyadricum; A. wrayii is now A. umbrinum.
Arisaema Keys
- A compendium of botanical keys and illustrations to many of the Arisaema species. These are invaluable for plant identification in the wild, or for just figuring out something strange you got from the seed exchange.
The Arisaema List
- Check out the latest taxonomic data right here. This may be the most complete list of arisaema species ever assembled in one place. We've got 'em all.
The Arisaema Bibliography
- A comprehensive list of what should be on every well-stocked bookshelf.
Arisaema Sources
- Are you intrigued by these fascinating plants? Here are some places where you might find that aroid of your dreams.
Arisaema Organizations
- Here are some groups devoted to the appreciation of arisaemas, aroids, and other weird plants.
Arisaema Links
- Isn't it nice to know that other people have heard of these things, too?
Arisaema Culture
- Not as difficult as orchids, not as easy as potatoes (but close). Plus some seed starting tips.
Arisaema Hardiness Ratings
- So you think you can grow Arisaema griffithii outdoors in Minnesota? Better check here first.
Arisaema Art
- From Georgia O'Keeffe to Air-isaema.
The Hetterscheid Collection
- Photographs of an exceptional arisaema collection in the Netherlands
Pinellias: Arisaema's Poor Cousins
- They just can't get any respect....
Disclaimer: Taxonomic information included herein should not be interpreted as authoritative. It should not be used to conclusively identify plants destined for commercial sale. The botanists change their minds about arisaemas with disturbing regularity, and new species appear every year. So sit back and enjoy the pictures.
Roy Herold
Comments to: rrh@genesis.nred.ma.us
The Original Arisaema Page, serving the Internet Community since December 1, 1995
Release 1.8, Wednesday, January 19, 2000