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  Re: [aroid-l] -Off subject, Subject, Stolen cycads are returned to QBG
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2003.02.06 at 06:54:29(9933)
Dear Friends,

I can only hope and WISH that the story on the stolen Cycads from Fairchild
Trop. Garden last year eventually ends up as well as this one did! I do
NOT want to state more than I have heard, and also do not want to perpetuate
rumors, so an update from the source perhaps would be in order.
When I last visited Farichild Gardens last year Sept., I was amazed to hear
the size of the
plants stolen, and that the police were not too interested in
tracing mere stolen plants. I was also struck by the adverts. for the
HUGE Cycad auction and sale on the other coast (CA.?) which was scheduled
for just AFTER the theft had occurred, and wondered if anyone had reports as
to if perhaps these irreplaceable and readily recognizable plants had turned
up at the sale????
I am still so distressed at the Fairchild Garden`s great loss of these
irreplaceable treasures that gave so much pleasure to myself and countless
visitors over the years, not even taking into account the pain that their
loss brought to their curator and other garden staff members and workers who
had loving cared for them. I do hope that there may be some news of
closure/recovery in the near future??
The problem may be getting worse, but these VERY distinctive and rare plants
can NOT be hidden, there obviously is a market for stolen plants which CAN
be stopped with due vigilance and care of the plant lovers amongst us.
Perhaps we can put a BIG crimp into any future thefts that may occur, and
put one or more of the people responsible for stealing these irreplaceable
treasures AND receiving stolen goods in jail.

Julius Boos

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