From: "William Perez" <wperez at> on 1997.07.21 at 20:55:01(980)
Long time, no hear from me!
Okay, please help me out here quick. I
have some Arum maculatum seeds that I collected while still green.
Yesterday, they turned orange and today they are a nice bright
orange. How soon should I sow these things. Now? How far apart
should I space the individual seeds? What kind of medium should I
use. And last but not least should I water the soil throughout the
whole year or so while they do their underground thing before sending
up a leaf. Oh yes, do they also need a cold treatment?
It's an outstanding specimen that I collected these seeds from. I
was walking along the banks of a river admiring the thousands of
blooming cuckoo pints when this one particular one caught my eye.
the spathe had a wonderful purple blush that increasingly darkend
towards the spathe tip. The spathe itself was longer than any
others and it actually curled back and dropped halfway down in an
undulating fashion. Really beautiful. I felt kind of unethical
wanting to collect the seeds so I only collected half and left the
other half to nature.
If I can get excellent advice from all of you and manage to germinate
many I might just even share them, there's an incentive.
Anyway thanks.
William Perez