Find out who signed the thing. IT IS THE RIGHT OF EVERY PERSON TO CONFRONT
HIS OR HER ACCUSER, no matter what privacy they may hide behind. When you
write your letter you will name the Condo association as a whole and single
out the signors as individuals whom you say you plan to sue for hair-assment.
Under my every growing folder called ABRIDGEMENTS OF PERSONAL LIBERTIES i
find such things as neighborhood associations who in California, for
example, dictate to people how tall their plants may grow, so as not to
block a view. the requirements for a LAWN. a friend of mine was almost
drummed out of Leisure World for growing, among other things, a tomato
plant in his front yard, among his mandatory lawn and rosebushes. the back
of the house was a botanical collection of some substance.
DEATH TO TYRANTS is my motto. i would not PAY THIS FINE and i would also
threaten via a letter written by yourself, after consulting with NOLO
PRESS, threatening a major lawsuit. i would not want to see you have to go
to court over this, i would hope the letter would do the trick. ALSO if any
of your plants can be certified by botanical authorities, and I volunteer
my cousin who is the taxonomist for LA county, as rare, endangered,
threatened, etc, i think this will bolster your case. once the county came
and did some "PRUNING" of my front yard, using prisoners on their day out,
who were not picking up garbage on the freeway, and butchered a bamboo
grove, some of which were plants just out of quarantine, and actually
co-owned by the American Bamboo Society. i am certain you heard my screams
all the way in Florida. it never happened again, and i insisted on a police
report filed for VANDALISM. i also got to scream at the armed, large woman
police person who was in charge of the bus full of minor criminals. I came
home in the middle of this carnage and about went MAD. in a GOOD way, of