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  Re: [aroid-l] Mist benches
From: "George R. Stilwell, Jr." GRSJr at worldnet.att.net> on 2002.12.15 at 07:49:26(9730)
> What is a mist bench, and where do greenhouse growers get fixtures to
>provide the mist?
>Roz Gold
>Culver City, California
>Zone 10, Sunset Magazine Zone 23

A mist bench is a growing area which is watered by intermittent bursts od
mist from mist nozzles via a valve controlled by a timer.

All the supplies are available from

Struppy, Inc.
PO Box 12456
Kansas City, MO 64116-9969


Ask for their catalog. It's full of interesting stuff.

I've found their valves to be the most reliable and least expensive on the
The controllers by Hardie, now a part of Toro AG, are great values too.

Shy away from the Mist-O-Matic system. It tends to get out of adjustment
as water leaves deposits on the vane. The timed systems are also more

Charlie's Greenhouse

also supplies most of the components, but may be more expensive.

Ray Stilwell

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