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Re: [aroid-l] nasty neighbor
From: Harry Witmore harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2002.12.09 at 00:32:04(9687)
This brings back the memory of being threatened with being thrown out of
my rental house because I owned dangerous animals ( boas, pythons, kings
snakes). All of my animals were very small and no threat to anyone. I
finally had to remove them from my house although I kept a 4' monitor
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Bottom line is that you should fight this sort of foolishness Make
them prove it. You'll at least have till summer. Some well placed road
kill may help in a defense.
Good luck. We're with you all the way.
At 09:18 AM 12/7/02 -0500, you wrote:
I discovered yesterday that someone
who lives on my street has sent a letter
of complaint to our local neighborhood association mentioning my
plant", Amorphophallus paeonifolius. Of course they don't like
gesneriads, orchids, bromeliads either, but this is the only plant they
specifically singled out.
Do any members of the International Aroid Society have any comments about
this person ?
Harry Witmore
Zone 7 NC
Jungle Art
Cloud Jungle
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