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Re: [aroid-l] HID Lights
From: "Randy Story" story at caltech.edu> on 2002.10.14 at 01:58:17(9539)
At least some things are indeed unconstitutional--I forgot about this one!
The Supreme Court ruled last year in Kyllo vs. United States that it is
illegal to use a thermal imaging device to look inside one's home for signs
of HID lights. In the case in question, Kyllo was growing marijuana inside
and DEA agents used the thermal imaging results to obtain a search warrant.
A divided court ruled that it was an unlawful search and the 5-4 split
represented one of the more unusual combinations of justices. See
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> I understand such lights and others are used even in southern CA to grow it
> indoors like in garages, because it is visible outdoors and has an infra
> red signature. copters fly overhead and do target nurseries. take night
> photos and so forth. a form of it grows wild as an introduced plant, not
> the good kind for smoking, one is i Cannabis indica, the other C.
> sativa...and i occasionally get it as a weed when i get topsoil or horse
> manure. This copter overhead photography,i regard as unconstitutional
> search, and i am a non drug user, who takes aspirin only after careful,
> long, protracted consideration.
> I have used these and other lights with great satisfaction to grow just
> about everything i have ever grown. i SNEEZE with contempt at the Drug Pigs.
> So let them come and look for my stash. eh!
> lights make it possible to grow things you could not otherwise grow.
> hermine
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