From: "Randy Story" story at> on 2002.10.02 at 02:51:00(9479)
Great question. Do you mean the tropical Amorph's that can't be grown
outside in a strongly seasonal climate? So will they get enough light (and
humidity) to grow OK and increase in size every year and ultimately bloom?
I'm curious as well and also wondering whether there are some that can hack
it as indoor/outdoor plants. I'm in zone 10 (S. California) but we still
can't grow some of the tropical plants that grow outdoors in S. Florida
because we don't have the near constant warm, humid air.
The broader question of whether any of these plants, including those that
most of us can grow outside (say A. konjac), can be grown entirely (and
again increase and ultimately bloom) inside is also interesting.
Wouldn't a six-foot konjac or paeoniifolius make a cool indoor "tree"?
Someone must have tried this, even if just temporarily... Too bad they
(usually) grow in the wrong season for Christmas!