----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:23 PM
Subject: [aroid-l] A. kiusianus germination
> Hi,
> I just received some of Harry Witmore's Amorphophallus kiusianus seeds
> (thanks Harry!) and am curious about their germination. The article on
> Amorphophallus cultivation (Hetterscheid and Ittenbach, Aroideana issue 19
> or online at http://www.aroid.org/genera/amorphophallus/amcult.html)
> that fresh Amorphophallus seed usually germinates in 1-3 weeks except for
> henryi and A. kiusianus. I also checked in the archives where a couple
> people reported 2 year germination times for A. kiusianus.
> This is slow. Has anyone ever tried speeding up germination in any way,
> such as by using Giberellic acid (a plant hormone, for those who might be
> curious)? Or do I just need to learn patience, somehow...?
> If anyone knows of anything, even unsuccessful attempts, I would be
> It sounds that for most other Amorphophallus species there is little
> to try to speed things up. Are there methods used with any other aroids?
> I do have giberellic acid and I will do the experiment unless someone can
> suggest something better.
> Randy