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Re: [aroid-l] Dracunculus canariensis(adult)
From: "Susan Cooper" coops at execpc.com> on 2002.09.13 at 13:39:42(9410)
Well of course I had to run home at lunchtime to sniff my Drac
canariensis bloom. I think it has a "chemical odor" which Harry says
smells like ethyl acetate. BTW, I have some seeds of this that are
ripening if anyone is interested- email me off list.
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PS It is such a weed I'm surprised it is considered vulnerable.
> As Deni Bown (Aroids - Plants of the Arum Family) writes that on page
> the IUCN Red Book states that in 1997 it was vulnerable. Deni
mentions that
> the inflorescence apparently has a semen like odour.
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