----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Growing problems.
> At 02:34 6/09/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >I have been having some problems with a few plants this summer. I put in
> >raised beds and planted my Amorphophallus tubers out. My problem is some
> >plants have "rotted" right at the top of the soil, causing the plant to
> >over. The odd thing is, the rest of the plant and bulb looks fine.
> >Foliage looks great.
> Susan,
> Has teh plant rotted, or has something munched around the stem at ground
> level. This is just a guess, but I've heard of various types of cutworms
> (that is what i have heard them called) that tend to munch around the base
> of a stem of a desireable plant, effectively killing off everything above
> the soil. Not knowing much on what specific insects do this (and of
> that could vary in your climate as well) I cannot suggest specific
> culprits, but it might be worth investigating to see if there is evidence
> of damage at the soil level, rather than it rotting from within. If
> happened like that, anythign below the soil surface would be left
> healthy, just as you describe.
> It might be worth investigating. Hope this might give you a lead to work
> from.
> Cheers.
> Paul Tyerman
> Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9
> mailto:ptyerman@ozemail.com.au
> Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus,
> Cyrtanthus, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything
> else that doesn't move!!!!!