"They both savoured the strange warm glow of being much more
ignorant than ordinary people, who were only ignorant of ordinary
I am growing taro in my garden (yeah, not the typical
medit plant, although they need much less water than
most websites will have you believe). Anyway, these
were the typical store bought cormels (less than two
to three inches long). I planted them out in late
march and they have been growing well. They're not at
a decent size and interestingly one of the shoots that
developed shows an interesting abberation every few
leaves or so (well two so far).
The two leaves showing this abberation look like this:
Still peltate, but as if you have two arrow head
shaped leaves joined together. So instead of being
trilobed, it has four lobes, and looks "folded" down
the middle. It's hard to imagine, and I really must
get some pictures, but i wonder if this is common for
aroids to do this, especially peltate ones?
The other plants have been displaying normal peltate
leaves, even the other large shoot shows normal leaves
(although that one shows some slight damage). I even
have another separate cormel growing with very nice,
rounded, ruffled leaves.
Here's links to pictures I took of the weird leaf
Side view, underside of one of the leaves
Side view showing "conjoining"
Anyway, there you have it. What the pics don't show is
that the stem is much thicker than usual, and it looks
like there are spots where new leaves can emerge on
either side of the stem. It's like the terminal bud
developed two leaves at the same time and they fused.
Barry Garcia
Marina, CA, zone 17, bordering on 16
USDA zone 9