IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Re: [aroid-l] images on Aroid-l
From: "Leo A. Martin" leo1010 at attglobal.net> on 2002.08.18 at 16:59:29(9207)
I would vote for no attachments, but perhaps an area where attachments screened for viruses could be posted.

Attachments spread viruses. Those of you unfortunate enough to be using some flavor of Outlook are at high risk. Remember that free is not always the best option with an E-mail program.

People outside the US usually have to pay for online connection time by the minute. Photos are expensive to download.

Photos are not necessarily of interest to all. I'm interested in the stinky aroids but think anthuriums are as interesting as dandelions, bowling, or rap music. Others don't share my opinions. I know it's hard for y'all to believe we don't want to see ALL your photos but it's true.

The cycad list (on Yahoo Groups) permits attachments and almost every week viruses are spread through the list. Some unwary list members have had awful problems. I haven't been troubled by them because I get the digest version of cycads, which comes with no attachments. Plus I don't use Outlook, "the hacker's path to your hard disk"(tm).

cacti_etc does not permit attachments and there is no space for posting them on the Agilent server. People who wish to post photos always seem to find a way to do so someplace, then post the URL in a message to cacti_etc.

Yahoo groups, a barely serviceable but wretched list service (get ready for oceans of spam with Yahoo), allows each list a file area. People upload the file, then compose the message with a statement about the file in question.


Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.