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  Re: Monstera bloom and eating.
From: Lewandjim at aol.com on 2002.07.31 at 02:22:12(9147)
In a message dated 7/30/2002 4:19:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mickpascall@hotmail.com writes:

It will take approx one year to ripen !
When it starts to drop down from the vertical , keep an eye on it . Pick
only when the scales at the base start to lift away .Then only eat about a
half inch at a time . Only as much as is exposed by the scales falling away
by them selves . Place standing up in a large jar or glass coverd by a
paperbag . I used to have over a dozen all lined up , yum yum .

Michael's instructions may be "best" but in the Indiana University greenhouses, we waited until the conservatory smelled like "strawberry shortcake" - THEN the Monstera fruit was ripe!

Jim Langhammer

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