David Sizemore
Kingsport, TN (zone 6)
Where the Arum italicum are just about finished flowering
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Aroids growing better in water?
: In a message dated 5/29/2 4:07:59 AM, roniles@eircom.net writes:
: << If I submerge most terrestrial aroids suddenly in water would I
not expect
: them to die? If like some Spathiphyllum wallisii grown
terrestrially they
: do not, could it be they have already have "water roots" for
: inundation to avoid drowning? >>
: Ron--
: Yes and yes.
: BUT, it is possible to propagate plants so that they grow from the
START with
: water roots. A species may not be able to tolerate being pulled
out of a dry
: pot and getting drowned; but if propagated so a baby plant grows
water roots,
: that species will be able to grow perfectly happy with its roots
: (As you have noticed, some species don't care either way; but most
: Instead of attempting to submerge a plant, have you tried
propagating a
: specimen of the species in water?