"NO matter what plant it is .....it can be grown with roots under water".
>>>>>>>>>>So, what proportion of the plant on the Planet are known to be
able to grow in water? All?!!! In every wise generalisation are there not
exceptions?!!! .
I would hate to feel that as a result of my asking questions about Spaths in
ANY precious aroids became subjected to harmful trial & error risks & there
were mass drownings in the IAS!
You wrote -
"Again plants will develop an entirely differnt type of root when grown this
>>>>>>>Please could you refer me to your information
sources & explain what you
mean by different type of root please? What are the mechanisms?
That might enable me to get my
terrestrial plants to grow more quickly & safely IN water.
It appears that one of the possible reasons that waterplants in stagnant
conditions can live is the presence of aerenchyma in the roots into which
air diffuses from plant parts above the water. It would be good to know
what happens when plants change from "land roots" to water roots & how this
can be made to happen easiest!.
You wrote -
(In hydroponics & aerobics) "NO, I would say that the roots are
continuously inudated".
>>>>>>>>>>>So if they ARE inundated, totally covered etc, with water this
suggests that the roots take in oxygen dissolved in that water, not as in
leaves as gaseous oxygen?
If this is the case then instead of the relative complexity of hydoponics &
aeroponics, why not just grow those bare roots continuously submerged in
aerated water in tanks anyway?
>>>>>>>I do NOT have rot or other problems! All plants in this
Specialist World Collection are pristine. Only one plant of the many
hundred specimens failed in winter in the heated beds & that arrived too
sick to save. But as
in everything for me there is always room for improvement.
For growing tropical stenothermal shade plants in temperate regions, I
abandoned old-fashioned greenhouses decades ago. Since then I have grown
tens of thousands of plants in specially designed controlled "closed"
environments. One of my two professional interests is tropical
freshwater flora & fauna. It therefore follows that I am concerned
with the most advanced technologies to culture them. I have very many
possible alternative
design philosophies needing experimentation & evaluation. But the large
number of rare
plants here in my custody cannot be put at risk in subjective trial &
experiments. For high probability success, the experiments need to be
based on fullest understandings. So, I
requested a consensus of the established facts, first hand specific
eexperiences & suggestion possibilities from others about aroid roots in
water to help select, test & validate future advanced
modes of Spathiphyllum & other plant/fish culture. The information together
to save time, effort & plants.
Again, thank you Neil for your advice.
Ron (Iles)