So - Questions:-
Do not all plant roots need oxygen? Are the roots of plants grown
terrestrially drowned by sudden, long, continuous submergence? Which plants
are not drowned & why not?
Do plants which can survive or thrive in water have roots with special
adaptive structure to cope with the inundation? (Apparently the roots of
emersed water plants in anaerobic swamps have aerenchyma, air spaces,
bringing oxygen from the aerial parts?). Can terrestrial plants develop
"water roots" or otherwise adapt to inundation? Which terrestrial plants?
Which aroids? Are not pests & diseases rarer in water plants & their
environments far more easy to control?
Some terrestrial plants can seemingly develop "water roots" if this is done
slowly much like the "Julius Pot"?
In hydroponics are not roots kept moist either by capillary action, trickled
water or intermittent raising & lowering of water levels or as in aeroponics
intermittent spraying of bare roots?
Do plants in hydroponics/aeroponics ever develop "water roots" so that they
CAN then be permanently inundated?
I would like to grow all my Spathiphyllum currently grown terrestrially IN
water. Some forms near to S. wallisii, possibly others grow well if the
pots even roots touching the bases are suddenly & continuously submerged in
water. Other Spathiphyllum die from the inundation. Can "water roots" be
developed in all the species of the genus? (AND other aroid genera?)(It is
interesting to see the development of roots in water by Syngonium, Hebe & so
many other terrestrial cuttings. and some continue to flourish as "water
plants"..... With most maybe is there not need for slow cautious submergence
as plant alone decides as Julius describes?
If I submerge most terrestrial aroids suddenly in water would I not expect
them to die? If like some Spathiphyllum wallisii grown terrestrially they
do not, could it be they have already have "water roots" for possible
inundation to avoid drowning?
Do not terrestrial Spathiphyllum have different root structures from those
in water. Can all Spathiphyllum (AND other aroids) develop "water roots"
to adapt to growing IN water?