From: "Ron Iles" roniles at> on 2002.05.26 at 18:54:04(8883)
Spathiphyllum cannifolium seems often reported as an emersed or
intermittently submerged aquatic. Could its growth in full sunlight be
made possible by the thick leathery leaves? Surely the thin leaves of
Section Spathiphyllum species would not tolerate full sunlight?
I have just re-read Deni Bown's magnificent Book & note the aquatic aroid
genera. ANY supplementary observations would be hugely interesting & help me
to find out how those aroids adapt to being fully emersed..
Below is a provisional list of Spathiphyllum species.
Does anyone have ANY habitat & environmental observations please?
Section Massowia (K. Koch) Engler
S. cannaefolium (Dryand.)Schott
S. commutatum Schott
S. laeve Engler
Section Amomophyllum (Engler)
*S. bariense Bunting
* S. cuspidatum Schott
S. floribundum (Lind. et Andre) N.E. Brown
S. floribundum var(?) ex Cali, Colombia (new species?)
S. fulvovirens Schott
*S. gardneri Schott
*S. gracilis Bunting
*S. jejunum Bunting
S. juninense Bunting
*S. kalbreyeri Bunting
*S. lechlerianum Schott ???
*S. liesneri Croat
*S. maguirei Bunting
*S. mawarinumae Bunting
S. minor Bunting
*S. monachinoi Bunting
*S. monachinoi var. monachinoi Bunting
*S. monachinoi var. perangustum Bunting
*S. neblinae Bunting
S. patinii (Hogg) N.E. Brown
*S. patulinervum Bunting??????
*S. perezii Bunting
S. quindiuense Engler
*S. schomburgkii Schott
S. silvicola R.A.Baker
*S. sipapoanum Bunting
*S. tenerum Engl
Section Dysspathiphyllum Engler
*S. humboldtii Schott
Section Spathiphyllum
*S. atrovirens Schott
S. blandum Schott
S. brevirostre (Liebm.) Schott
S. cochlearispathum (Liebm.) Schott
S. friedrichstalii Schott
S. grandifolium Engler
S. kochii Engler & Krause
S. lanceaefolium (Jacq.) Schott
S. matudae Bunting
S. ortgiesii Regel
S. phryniifolium Schott
S. wallisii Regel
S. wendlandii Schott
Section Chlaenophyllum
*S. solomonense Nicolson
Sectional affinity unknown:
*S. schlechteri (Engl. & Krause)
For the starred species, does anyone have live material too in their
Collections, please?
Goodwill to All
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: aquatic spathiphyllum
Dear Petra and Ron,
Just to remember: Spathiphyllum gardneri (from Central Brazil) grows in
river banks and most plants are usually flooded during the rainy season. I
am not meaning a wet foot, but I am talking about completely submerged
plants (sometimes only infructescences out of the water) for a month or two.
In Amazonas state (Brazil), as well as in Venezuela, Spathiphyllum
cannifolium grows in full sunlight in swamps, together with Urospatha and
some Montrichardia. I have also collected Spathiphyllum humboldtii growing
submerged up to the middle of its petioles close to French Guiana. The same
situation in a potential new species of Spathiphyllum in Acre (I think Tom
is describing this one) that was growing in a completely swampy area. I
have never collected in Costa Rica or Colombia, but all Brazilian species of
Spathiphyllum I have seem are helophytes or rheophytes. In fact, I have
never seen a truly terrestrial Spathiphyllum in Brazil!
Best wishes,
>From: "Petra Schmidt"
>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>Subject: aquatic spathiphyllum
>Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 16:58:09 -0500 (CDT)
>Hey Ron...there was a craze here in the USA, well, maybe just the Midwest,
>with spathiphyllum plants being grown in huge glass jars...the kits were
>sold by Walmart and included colored marbles for the jar, a beta fish and a
>spathiphyllum...the roots of the spath grew down into the jar, kept the
>fed and happy and the plant happy...these "arrangements" were seen in
>offices, doctor's offices, bank lobbies, restaurants, and anywhere else you
>could imagine; those who had one, loved them...
>I have seen spaths offered in the water garden areas in garden
>centers/nurseries and have seen them growing pretty much as emergent
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