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RE: Am. blooming
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.05.14 at 20:54:12(8779)
know guys, you ain't gonna win this one. I have an active research programme
with somebody at Kew who analyses the scent of Amorphs. If there is no scent on
A. sumawongii, how come we have a perfect gaschromatographic graph for it,
complete with oligomethyl-oligosulphides, that provide for the horrendous stench
(comparable e.g. to bulbifer and muelleri) and a touch of anise scent (which I
noticed) and turned up in the graphs as a small peak of 4-methoxyphenethylalcohol, other wise known as "anise oil".
Try to
| +More |
talk your way out of THAT one, you smarta...s
Lord P
(with a BIG smile)
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----Van: aroid-l@mobot.org
[mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens StroWiVerzonden: maandag 13
mei 2002 22:51Aan: Multiple recipients of list
AROID-LOnderwerp: Re: Am. blooming schrieb: > In a message dated 5/12/2002 12:38:08 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, >
hetter@worldonline.nl writes: >
> > Another guy who needs a
serious nose job............. >
> Lord P. > > no, really. there's no odor at all. it's also a
tiny little thing so maybe > it
needs to grow bigger first... >
> tsuh yang in NY
Dear tsuh yang,
same thing over here in
Germany; small flower, no odor. I guess Lord P. has some kind of hypersinsitivity to Amorph smells;
some kind of special receptors binding a single molecule and creating an
enthuthiastic storm between his his neurons..... Orinary people like us just have to freeze in
admiration.... :o Bernhard.
maybe truck with some kind of nose
numbness :-( Dollbergen,
Germany, approx. zone 6/7
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