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Re: totems for climbers
From: "Kathy Kempf" wont_read101 at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.14 at 18:33:21(8768)
Forgive a newcomer's ignorance, but to me, a totem is either a carving,
usually wooden, representing someone's ancestry; or a "spirit guide". Would
this new use of the word be more of a flexible trellis, suitable for soft
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Grove City OH Zone 6a
>From: "Sheralee & Iain McGregor"
>Reply-To: aroid-l@mobot.org
>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>Subject: totems for climbers
>Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 11:38:57 -0500 (CDT)
>I have been experimenting with totems for climbing aroids with varying
>success. During my browsing I had seen a cylender of wire mesh filled with
>sphagnum , I duplicated this and have had a great result.
>Can anyone throw more ideas for a better totem?
> Iain Mcgregor Perth Western Australia
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