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Re: totems for climbers
From: Susan Cox snalice at cnmnetwork.com> on 2002.05.14 at 18:30:18(8766)
Thanks for that information. I thought I saw plastic in the background,
but I couldn't put it together with the coir. I would love to try
making them myself. I haven't found a coco fiber source here locally,
other than the pith or mats, one of which I did buy that was actually a
liner for baskets, though flat like I haven't seen here before here. I
thought maybe I could roll it into a cylinder. Usually all I can find
is the formed fiber mats that fit directly into the baskets. These are
not at all inexpensive and the flat, round one I bought cost me $7.00
plus it's missing it's corners. If anyone knows of a source here in the
US for either the fiber (preferably) which could be wrapped and tied, or
square blocks, would you mind posting the source? This would be very
much appreciated!
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Also, does the totem 'have' to hold moisture in before Philodendrons and
Anthuriums will attach to it? Maybe it's more 'inviting' for them
rather than necessary?
Thanks to all,
Susan, Sheralee and Iain
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