----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: totems for climbers
> Dear Susan,
> Indeed you are right, climbing aroids are cultivated on coconut fiber
> covered plastic tubes. They seem to really like it. These are bought
> here in France (www.sicatec.com) but you probably could find it
> somewhere in the USA or maybe you could try doing them by yourself ?
> With best regards,
> David
> Susan Cox a *crit :
> >
> > Here are some really neat totems, but what are they made of? I've been
> > looking for a good totem also. These plants and totems are featured at
> > the Jardin Botanique du Montet (Nancy, France), and are referenced to by
> > David Scherberich on his personal Ariod page here:
> > http://dscherberich.free.fr/. I would like to see what medium they
> > used. Could it be coir fibers?
> >
> > Susan Cox
> --
> David Scherberich
> 2 rue Valfeniere
> 69001 LYON
> Email: dscherberich@wanadoo.fr
> http://dscherberich.free.fr/