From: "john s. smolowe" johnsmolowe at> on 2002.04.28 at 03:37:02(8660)
I just bought a nice Alocasia zebrina reticulata and have some cultural questions.
I have killed this species twice in the past and would like to do better
this time. Same with Xanthosoma atrovirens albomarginata.
I successfully grow many species of Anthurium and Philodendron in a
heated greenhouse in an epiphytic mix of medium firbark, medium tree
fern, medium charcoal, pumice, and long-fibered New Zealand sphagnum
moss - watered 2-3 x per week.
I successfully grow Colocasia esculenta outdoors (zone 8) in the ground.
I successfully grow Alocasia amazonica in my dry office in the same
garden-center pot and potting soil in which it came, watered only once a week.
But when I try to grow Alocasia zebrina reticulata in my greenhouse -
either in an epiphytic mix or in a standard garden-center potting mix,
watered 2-3 x per week - it dies. Same story with Xanthosoma atrovirens albomarginata.
Do these species want a well-draining mix or a moisture-retaining mix?
Do they perhaps need a dry winter rest? Do they need to sit in water?
Has anyone had luck with them?
John Smolowe