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  Re: largish (grapefrut) sized A. peonifolia?
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.04.25 at 14:59:52(8632)
Dear 'Suranophiles',

I will make an effort to question my Indian storekeeper here in WPB as to
when 'suran' becomes available. It may be useful in your search to know
that he tells me that suran is eaten mainly by some ethnic groups from S.
India and Ceylon (Sri Lanka?) who cook it at certain festival/times. He
told me that he believes that it is grown in and exported from Jamaica
( ! ), but I will try to find out more. Those that I saw at his shop were
wrapped and packed much like other vegetables from Jamaica that I have seen
arrive for sale , like the yellow yams (Dioscorea) and dasheen (Colocasia).
My GUESS would be that suran would become available at the end of it`s
growing season, i. e. the end of the year when the dry season in Jamaica
sets in. I will keep the list informed on my findings!


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