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  FC Distribution 2002/1
From: "Fausto Ceni" cenfaust at tin.it> on 2002.04.16 at 20:42:58(8571)
Dear friends,

Also this year I have some tubers to distribute.
Althought offer in exchange is very, very appreciated, it is not
necessary (I know what is to have nothing to give in exchange!!).
Please, don't hurt if I don't accept the plants you offer: may be
I have already them or don't love them, but your offer is appreciated
in the same way both if I accept it or not.
You should only understand that the people that gave me plants, literature
or support in the past, will have the priority in the choice.

I am searching (but be not frightened and don't laugh):

All (un)usual Amaryllids
North Am. Hymenocallis
Pleione and terrestrial Orchids
Tuberous Aroids
Insectivorous plants
Paeonia, (I would like to have american species !!!)
Lithops and other succulents, little size
Ferns, hardy, big size
Cycads seeds

You have surely in your garden or on your mountains something for me.
Try to offer!!!!

Rules to apply:

- Don't use absolutely the Re function of your software!!!!!
- Type in the subject row of the message: FC Distribution 2002/1
- I cannot give any kind of certificates.
- Money is not requested.
- Remember for future reference the FC###.
- The requests should be sent to my E-mail address;
- They should come to me before 25th April and I will answer and send most
confirmations and items only later: please be patient.
- Please, to help me you should:
in the message first give your name and post address
give genus and species;
best when you use the copy/paste function from the text of my list
at the end eventually your comunications
- Remember to give your snail-mail address!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Again: remember to give your snail-mail address!!!!!!

If the list is bad formatted on your screen, try to set "fixed with" if

This is the (short) list:


Amorphophallus sp. from China 1388 (I guess A. konjak) 1/2" tubers
Arisaema candidissimum 1295 very few 1/2" tubers
Arisaema fargesii mix (or franchettianum) many
Dracontium asperum 1541
Sauromatum guttatum 373 1/2-1" tubers


Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.