I did see advertised on E-bay a couple weeks ago a blooming (not fully
opened) A. konjac (correctly identified??) from a 3 inch tuber. And
currently there is a 3 inch tuber for sale on Ebay--I have no plans to bid
on this and do not wish to give the seller free advertising, but it might be
of general interest for people to know how close this is to blooming size.
By the way Mitch, the >4 inch A. konjac tuber I bought from you is just now
breaking dormancy and is looking great! I should emphasize that you, unlike
many people, are very good about making clear whether or not your tubers are
"blooming size"!
Oh, and we all enjoyed your comical Ebay auctions--the tuber drinking beer,
etc.! These were mentioned here on April 1st by Susan Cooper--and were real
auctions despite the date of the posting!
Thanks and I hope to get more responses like this!
>From: ". ."
>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>Subject: Re: Howsmall is big enough?
>Date: Sun, Apr 14, 2002, 9:36 AM
> I have not yet bloomed A. bulbifer, but I have seen that blooming size in
> konjac varies wildly. One bulb bloomed for me this year at under 4 inch
> diameter (small grapefruit size) while others have not bloomed untill
> bowling ballsize. These were of the same clone, since the smaller was an
> offset of the larger one. No difference in growing conditions that I could
> identify.
> Mitch Alvo
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