Scott Hyndman,
Research Greenhouse Manager
2001 South Rock Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
Office: (561) 462-5889
Fax: (561) 462-5986
Cell: (561) 216-6534
E-mail: shyndman@ushrl.ars.usda.gov
Homepage: http://www.ars-grin.gov/ars/SoAtlantic/fp/
on 4/6/02 12:03 AM, SelbyHort@aol.com at SelbyHort@aol.com wrote:
There's also a book, "Tropical Foliage Plants: A Grower's Guide" by Lynn
Griffith (1998) that might be useful. Lynn Griffith is President
of A & L Southern Agricultural Laboratories in Pompano Beach, FL, and
should be easy to reach, just do a web search on the company name.
Donna Atwood
In the plant propagation class I am taking this quarter, the term paper
assignment is to write about propagating a species; the student gets to
select the species for the paper. It needs to be a species that would be
suitable for a relatively large greenhouse operation for commercial sales.
Since I am interested in aroids and Hawaii, I chose Anthurium.
Does anybody have journal-type articles (this teacher is an academic snob
and won't accept anything from "Sunset," etc.) or other references about
approaches to propagating Anthurium commercially that I could
I've already harvested what the University of Hawaii has available on their
website and affiliated websites, but I need references from other sources,
as well.