IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: Rhaphidophora Decursiva = Philodendron ? NO!
From: Todd Ruth <truth at weber.ucsd.edu> on 1997.01.08 at 22:13:57(84)
Thanks for all of the info! The relations of all of those genera
was particularly interesting. Would the keeper of the genera page,
http://www.mobot.org/IAS/genframe.html, please make a quick check
of whether the line:
Rhaphidophora Hassk. = Philodendron Schott
was intended? I may just be misunderstanding, but it looked like
that meant Rhaphidophora had been retired.

Any recommendations for a source for the kind of info that came
in response to my Rhaphidophora/Philodendron questions? Is there
a book which explains which genera are most related to which others
and gives descriptions/pictures of numerous species? I'm most
interested in Monstera, Philodendrons, and Anthuriums (and close
relatives to those, eg as I've now learned Rhaphidophora).

Thanks for your patience with a new-comer. I've only been raising
aroids (plants in general for that matter) for about 1 and 1/2 years
and the information gained from IAS/aroid-l has been very much

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