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  Re: Variegation in Anthuriums ?
From: "Celeste Whitlow" politicalamazon at charter.net> on 2002.03.03 at 22:32:15(8241)
The way I understand it, viruses in plants are vector borne. The vector for
transmission of virus is, as mentioned, often chewing-type insects. However,
another often overlooked route of virus transmission is the cutting done by
humans with tainted pruners.

So if one gets a plant with a virus, it is best to get rid of it
immediately. I think also that it would be wise for the near future, after
the plant was destroyed, to dip pruners or any other cutting instruments in
alcohol inbetween working with each plant.

I don't think there is a way to get rid of a virus in a plant. They don't
make a plant antiviral treatment, to my knowledge.


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