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  Re: LOL ?????????????
From: StroWi at t-online.de (StroWi) on 2002.02.04 at 14:27:30(8170)
Hi Ron,

thanks for your answer! Still learning a little every day....

"Ron Iles" schrieb:

>Hi Bernhard,


>Lol? APPARENTLY it is an abbreviation for laughs on line, very very funny, a bundle of laughs.


>BTW - If some kind real expert could list what the various very common acronyms used in email actually mean, it might help some of us europs & antipods to understand amerinetspeak

GOOD idea! Maybe someone overseas (from OUR point of view) has a list and will share his wisdom...


>Danke viemals und Guten Tag, Herr Doktor

Bitte schön, Herr Iles, und auch weiterhin alles Gute!


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