From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at> on 2002.01.31 at 17:17:59(8108)
Well, I have been around plants my whole life and have been paying a lot
of attention to how they grow. I am sure some of you have theories on this
sixth sense they seem to have. I would like to hear what collectors and
botanist think. Here are some of the thinks I am talking about.
The plant monstera deliciosa I have planted in a large pot with a totem.
Well, I decided to fertilize the two plants beside it for no real reason
some slow release fertilize. after about 3 to 4 weeks monstera had shoot two
roots in to both pots directly on to the fertilize. Now how the heck did it
know it was there?
I have noticed root go all across the floor to get to water as well as roots
reaching out to grab wall that are a foot away. The seem no to be growing
blindly as some would think. Any one know where there eyes are?
Not to mention orchids and other plants impersonating other creatures in
order to have them pollinate there flowers. A lot say evolution with the
plant and insects that's hard for me to buy. Any ways how did the plant find
out what the insect looked like and its colors? But I would he interested in
hearing what you all thing about this.
My poor father on the other hand seems to bring aliens into the picture if
its unexplainable. Its a little scary but what's ever scarier is when other
plant nuts agree and understand him LOL.
Well, I am sure there are other strange things that all plants do but it
just seems there is some kind of extras sense we don't know about? Love you
hear the crazy theories.