From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2002.01.23 at 15:01:29(8041)
Dear Friends,
I`ve been following this thread of messages, and it seems that we are making
too many generalities on 'ants'. Amdro does wonders on FIRE or RED ant
mounds in your yard, but NOT on the small 'white-footed' ants we find in our
Florida homes and kitchens. The WORST ant is the TINY yellow-orange ones
that infest the drain holes of my pots on benches, they are almost
microscopic in size and very slow moving, and when I place a pot on my thigh
as I stoop to remove leaves or weeds, they get on to my fleash, crawl
upwards, and then the stings/bites occor, and the itching is terrible, much
worse than a red or fire ant! The only 'cure' that I have found for these
is a quick squirt of aerosol ant-killer directly into the drain hole of the
pot. The ones that farm pests on plants and nest in pots are probably the
larger, very- fast-walking black pharo ants, and these are very difficult to
get rid of, I have found that for these and the smaller white-footed,
house-loving ants the thick (probably sweet) liquid sold at 'Lesco' and
other outlets called 'Terro' ant bait sometimes works. Boric acid mixed in
condensed milk would also be a possibility in killing these pests.
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