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  Re: Missing?
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2002.01.01 at 15:59:18(8009)
>Hey Julius...we're looking for a caterer for our aroid summer
get-together...this sounds like an interesting menu!

Dear Petra,

Happy New Year to you and all around you.

If I were closer you have NO idea what pleasure it would give me to cook for
the banquet! All the dishes I mention (except for the air-yams, and I`m
going to sample and report on them soon!) are actual meals my Mum used to
prepare back in Trinidad!
The Amaranth is sold in bundles as Jamaican spinach, Jamaicans use it (and
not Colocasia leaves like we Trinidadians do) for THEIR 'calaloo', and folk
in N. Florida call it 'pig-weed', and at least around my Trinidadian
friend`s home compete w/ others in gathering it where it grows as a weed in
newly ploughed or cleared ground! I turned Mary Sizemore and Lynn Hannon
on to it, they say it was THE best greens they have tasted!

Anyhow, have a good day!



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