From: Edna edna.paul at> on 2002.01.01 at 15:59:05(8008)
Dear Aroiders
Here in Christchurch, New Zealand, zone 8 [or maybe 9 - I am never quite
sure], I am growing Arums creticum, cyrenaicum, dioscoridis,hygrophilum,
italicum,I marmoratum, maculatum, palaestinum, purpureospathum and in
various positions in my garden.
I love this genus of Aroid and have over the years obtained seed from
various seed exchanges, some being NZ Alpine Garden Soc, The Alpine Garden
Soc, and A.E.G.
Species that have successfully germinated since 1998 and are now growing
on, are :
A alpinum,A elongatum, A flintoff, A korolkowii.A nickelii, A nigrum and A
There has of course been other seed that I have not been so lucky with.
I am in the habit of always giving any dry seed I receive a good soak in a
weak solution of liquid fertilizer.
Recently I was given an Aroid of which we would really appreciate some help
in identifying.
My friend collected the seed in Eastern Nepal at a height of 4,500/4,800
This is it's first year of flowering. The entire height of the plant from
the soil surface is 35cms.
Myself I think it is a small Arum sp, but which one I cannot figure out.
The peduncle is 2cm long from the soil surface, the inflorescence lower
than the leaves & 12cm in length, the spathe tube being 2.5cm in length, &
1.5cm in width. The outer color in some is dark burgundy and the inner dark
burgundy at the base and then veined creamy green toward the upper part.
However there does seem to be some variation in the colours as seen in the
photo's The spandix appendage is dark, almost black, rubbery in appearance
and feel. It is visible when the flower is in full bloom. Once this
happens the flower lasts about 2 days before fading.
We did dissect an inflorescence and noted that it had both male and female
reproductive parts.
I have been given one of the more mature tubers which is 2.5cms in length
and appears to be cylindrical in shape rather similar to that of a small
Arisaema speciosum.
You will note from my description of this plant that I am no expert, just
another Arumophile, who is enjoying learning about and growing these most
interesting and beautiful plants.
Any help you can offer will be much appreciated.
Thanking you all in anticipation.
Edna Parkyn
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