From: Mpclarkeyz at on 2001.12.21 at 15:02:19(7972)
Hi all
I have no knowledge about using simple chlorine compounds on plants.
I do have a friend who filled a tablet type pool chlorinator half full of calcium hypochlorite tablets, ran out ot them, and filled the top half with a chlorocyanurate compound (probably trichloro but it doesn't matter). He started the water flow and, fortunately, went back inside. While he was pouring himself a glass of water the pool chlorinator exploded and blew a foot or two of water out of the pool. Mixing water, hypochlorites, and chloroisocyanurates almost always causes an explosion, and people have been killed doing so. BEWARE!!
Organic compounds should never be added to a container of calcium hypochlorite. READ THE STUPID LABEL!!
Hypochlorites and chlorocyanurates are strong (in high concentrations often violent) oxidizing agents, and are very dangerous. So I get upset when people say "nontoxic bleach" or "But if I've got a quart of fungicide I need to get rid of, I can't flush it down the toilet the way I can with a quart of bleach or other chlorine compound." Please do not drink that non-toxic bleach nor dispose of it by pouring it down the drain. If you must dispose of it kill some weeds by pouring it on them, preferably in the sunshine which decomnposes these compounds quickly.
Mac Clarke