From: Dan Levin levin at> on 2001.11.05 at 07:02:44(7733)
Julius has a fine idea- absolutely worth pursuing- but it's rather time dependent
by its scope and could reasonably take a decade to generate tangible results.
In the meantime John's right, we and all remaining Philo. spiritus-sancti are
quite mortal....
I then have to wonder if any current growers of this rare plant feel either the desire
or obligation to further insure the survival and perpetuation of P. spiritus-sancti?
That is- beyond protecting their monetary investment and exclusive status as one
of the very few who can claim they own it. As we all bear witness to more and
more of our favorite plants acquiring that infamous descriptor "almost extinct
in the wild", where do we as the collectors and cultivators of such organisms
begin to draw that line?
Please note this is NOT meant to incriminate or otherwise put anyone who
owns Philo. spiritus-sancti on the firing line. I pose this question most sincerely
and devoid of taking some moral high ground. We could just as easily be discussing Paphiopedilum sanderianum 'Jacob's Ladder' or < your plant here >.
Though Betsy, with all due respect to your recent expenditure and ascension
in the P. spiritus-sancti ranks: If you're truly concerned about the fiscal welfare
of our society please consider the broader benefits to be had if some kind soul
were to donate a meristem of 'spiritus-sancti' (aka "left arm") to the society...
..and all lab work, growing out & eventual sales became the domain of the IAS
itself.... We might see the ensuing plants offered at a premium price to the
general public and at a "discounted" price to active IAS members. Bet our
ranks and society's bank account would grow well beyond the $500 - $750
a year that selling only a single cutting could ever generate. Not to mention the
positive PR and attention this could garner for our cause.
In closing I'd like to reiterate one of Julius' comments: To the true collector,
TC'd plants will never be as desirable nor as valuable compared to their wild-collected counterparts.
- Dan Levin