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Re: aglaonema ID?
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.11.02 at 16:14:18(7726)
This Aglao. sure sounds like one of the many of the most amazing new Dr.
Brown`s 'babies'---try to buy his new book, I`m sure it will be in it.
The plants you see most probably come from Nurserys in the Florida area, out
where I now work they grow the most amazing and beautiful dark
Philodendrons, 'Black Congo', all kinds of other fancy names, textures and
leaf shapes, lots of dark wine or brandy colors, even some varigated vars.,
and some gold ('Prince of Orange') and yellowish ('Moonlight') ones also.
It amazes me how far these plant breeders have come.
Good luck in 'snitching' a cutting, but look out for oriental men w/ chinese
choppers running after you!
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>>Tonight while walking past a cafeteria restaurant, I saw an amazing Ag
I had never seen before. It's big-- over a couple of feet tall-- and has
long, creamy ivory petioles that are long and featureless like a round
extension cord. I emphasize that the petioles were ivory, not pink. The
leaves are very highly variegated with stark white on dark green, but mostly
green... no silver. The leaves look sort of like "Stripes" but with white
splatters that make them look almost psychedelic.
This restaurant gets the most amazing plantscape specimens (I'm dying to
steal a piece off a burgundy philodendron vine in a hanging basket) but it's
part of a huge chain, so the workers don't know anything about the plants
that get delivered, watered, and changed on schedule. And I don't think
they'll let me slice a cutting off this Ag! The stems of these plants were
over an inch thick.
Does this sound like any named Ag you know?
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