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  Re: alocasia sinuata
From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2001.10.29 at 03:07:33(7705)
I believe Dennis is right. The sinuata I have was from agri starts. It maybe
a hybrid? But I do have a collected sinuata and they are defiantly not the
same plant. Of course it seems the sinuata that is most commonly known is
not the true plant. What then should it be called? I knew this was not the
true sinuata but it is what everyone knows as sinuata. What ever it is it
grows just as big and as fast as portora. Yet I have not seen a flower but
some pups did survive my harsh winter which was very cold. 30 days below
freezing in one month. It also seems to pup freely as well.

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